

频道:黄金价格 日期: 浏览:1214

## 一、黄金英语简介



## 二、黄金英语列表


1. How are you?

2. What's your name?

3. Where are you from?

4. Nice to meet you.

5. How old are you?

6. Can you help me?

7. What time is it?

8. I love you.

9. Thank you.

10. Sorry.

11. Excuse me.

12. What's the weather like today?

13. How much is it?

14. I'm hungry.

15. I'm thirsty.

16. What's your job?

17. Where do you live?

18. What do you do in your free time?

19. What's your favorite food?

20. How do you say this in English?

21. Can you speak more slowly?

22. I don't understand.

23. Can you repeat that, please?

24. What's your phone number?

25. I'm lost.

26. What's the date today?

27. Where is the nearest hospital?

28. What's your favorite color?

29. Let's go shopping.

30. I'm tired.

31. I'm bored.

32. What's your hobby?

33. What's your favorite movie?

34. Can you show me the way to the station?

35. I'm sick.

36. What's your nationality?

37. What's your email address?

38. Can you write it down for me?

39. I miss you.

40. I'm so happy.

41. I'm so sad.

42. I'm so excited.

43. Where are you going?

44. What's your plan for the weekend?

45. How was your day?

46. What's your favorite book?

47. Can you give me a hand?

48. What's your dream?

49. What's your height?

50. What's your weight?

51. Can you cook?

52. Can you drive?

53. Can you swim?

54. What's your favorite sport?

55. What's your favorite animal?

56. What's your favorite season?


57. Can you play a musical instrument?

58. Can you dance?

59. Can you sing?

60. Can you draw?

61. What's your favorite place?

62. What's your favorite song?

63. Can you speak another language?

64. What's your favorite TV show?

65. Can you ride a bike?

66. Can you ride a horse?

67. What's your favorite subject?

68. What's your favorite drink?

69. Can you play chess?

70. Can you play video games?

71. Can you play basketball?

72. What's your favorite flower?

73. What's your favorite car?

74. Can you do yoga?

75. Can you do meditation?

76. What's your favorite fruit?

77. Can you do magic?

78. Can you do martial arts?

79. Can you do ballet?

80. Can you do gymnastics?

81. What's your favorite city?

82. What's your favorite country?

83. Can you do a backflip?

84. Can you do a split?

85. Can you do a handstand?

86. What's your favorite holiday?

87. Can you do a cartwheel?

88. Can you do a somersault?

89. Can you do a headstand?

90. Can you do a handstand push-up?

91. What's your favorite beach?

92. What's your favorite mountain?

93. Can you do a pull-up?

94. Can you do a push-up?

95. Can you do a plank?

96. Can you do a burpee?

97. What's your favorite language?

98. What's your favorite religion?

99. Can you do a sit-up?

100. Can you do a squat?

## 三、黄金英语学习方法


1. 制定学习计划:学习者可以根据自己的学习时间和学习目标制定学习计划,每天抽出一定的时间来学习黄金英语。

2. 多听多说:学习者可以通过听力练习和口语练习来巩固黄金英语的学习成果,提高自己的语言表达能力。

3. 多用多练:学习者可以通过日常生活中的交流和练习来使用黄金英语,加深对句子和短语的理解和记忆。

4. 多读多写:学习者可以通过阅读英语文章和写作练习来提高自己的阅读和写作能力,扩大自己的词汇量。

5. 结合实际情境:学习者可以结合实际情境进行黄金英语的学习,例如在旅行、购物、工作等情境中运用所学的句子和短语。

6. 经常复习:学习者可以定期复习黄金英语,巩固所学的知识,避免遗忘。

## 四、黄金英语的重要性


## 五、总结






